qun niu is an associate professor at school of artificial intelligence, sun yat-sen university. his research interests include mobile computing, ubiquitous computing and indoor localization.
he received his phd degree from school of data and computer science, sun yat-sen university in 2019.
[1] qun niu, tao he, ning liu, suining he, xiaonan luo*, fan zhou. mail: multi-scale attention-guided indoor localization using geomagnetic sequences. proc. acm interact. mob. wearable ubiquitous technol. (imwut/ubicomp), vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 54:1-54:23, june 2020
[2] qun niu, ning liu*, jianjun huang, yangze luo, suining he, tao he, s.-h. gary chan, xiaonan luo. deepnavi: a deep signal-fusion framework for accurate and applicable indoor navigation. proc. acm interact. mob. wearable ubiquitous technol. (imwut/ubicomp), vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 99:1-99:24, sep., 2019
[3] qun niu, mingkuan li, suining he, chengying gao*, s. -h. gary chan, xiaonan luo. resource-efficient and automated image-based indoor localization. acm trans. sen. netw. (tosn), vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 19:1-19:31, feb., 2019
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