赵梦珍,女,1991.11,宁夏银川人,中共党员,工学博士。长期从事沥青路面结构与材料的科研开发、路面技术咨询及相关检测工作。主持省部级科研项目2项,主持/主研地市级项目5项,参与国家级项目4项;获国家发明专利2项,实用新型专利6项;发表论文21篇,其中sci论文8篇,ei论文5篇。担任102th transportation research board annual meeting、8th international conference on advanced materials and engineering materials、proceedings of 1st international students' green conference、《multidiscipline modeling in materials and structures》、《公路交通科技》期刊长期审稿人。
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