李然,信阳师范学院/xinyang normal university 计算机与信息技术学院/school of computer and information-尊龙凯时官方app下载

李然 ran li


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ran li was born in 1988. he received his b.e. degree in electronic engineering from huanghe science and technology college, zhengzhou, china, and his ph.d degree in signal processing from nanjing university of posts and telecommunications, nanjing, china. currently, he is an associate professor of the school of computer and information at the xinyang normal university, china. his research interests include image and video processing, low-complex video coding, compressed sensing, multimedia security, deep learning, and iot. he is serving as a professional reviewer for over 20 well-reputed journals including ieee transactions on industrial informatics, future generation computer systems, information sciences, pattern recognition letters, computer communications, journal of medical systems, journal of real-time image processing, pervasive and mobile computing, ieee access, computers and electrical engineering, multimedia tools and applications, iet signal processing, journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing, eurasip journal on image and video processing, electronics letters, journal of computational science, wireless networks, international journal of numerical modelling: electronic networks, and devices and fields.

research topics: image and video processing; low-complex video coding; compressed sensing, multimedia security; deep learning; iot

email: liran@xynu.edu.cn

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work experience

2014/12 -- present

associate professor, , , xinyang, henan, china

2016/09 -- 2017/09

post-doctor, , , nanjing, jiangsu, china


2010/09 -- 2014/12

ph. d,  , , nanjing, jiangsu, china

2006/09 -- 2010/07

b.e., , , zhengzhou, henan, china

professional activities

reviewing for: []

ieee transactions on industrial informatics (sci if 6.764)

ieee transactions on broadcasting (sci if 3.765)

future generation computer systems (sci if 3.997)

information sciences (sci if 4.832)

pattern recognition letters (sci if 1.955)

computer communications (sci if 3.338)

journal of medical systems (sci if 2.456)

journal of real-time image processing (sci if 2.010)

pervasive and mobile computing (sci if 2.349)

ieee access (sci if 3.244)

computers and electrical engineering (sci if 1.570)

multimedia tools and applications (sci if 1.530)

iet signal processing (sci if 1.298)

journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing (sci if 1.588)

eurasip journal on image and video processing (sci if 1.742)

electronics letters (sci if 1.155)

journal of computational science (sci if 1.748)

wireless networks (sci if 1.584)

international journal of numerical modelling: electronic networks, devices and fields  (sci if 0.622)

research grants

2016/01 -- 2018/12 

p1, national natural science foundation of china 61501393, saliency-aware frame rate up-conversion by multi-priors fusion of motion-compensated interpolations

2017/01 -- 2019/12 

p2, national natural science foundation of china 61601396, compressed sensing mri with matrixing the phase regularization parameter

2011/01 -- 2014/04

 p1, jiangsu province postgraduate innovation project cxzz_0466, bayesian learning based distribution video compressive sensing






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