李绿周,中山大学计算机学院教授、博士生导师、量子计算与软件研究所所长、计算机科学系主任;中国计算机学会(ccf)量子计算专业组副主任、ccf理论计算机科学专委会常务委员、ccf杰出会员、ccf杰出演讲者(2019、2021、2022年度);广东省杰青。2009年毕业于中山大学计算机系,获博士学位。长期从事量子计算方面的研究,主要从计算机科学的角度出发,围绕量子算法与复杂性、量子计算模型、量子机器学习、量子电路编译与优化等方向开展研究。已在information and computation, journal of computer and system sciences, theoretical computer science, ieee transaction on fuzzy systems, physical review a,physica a,new journal of physics,quantum science and technology, information sciences, science china information sciences 等国际知名学术期刊发表论文70余篇,出版学术专著《量子有限自动机:等价性和最小化》(入选“十二五”国家重点图书出版规划项目)、出版译著《量子计算与量子信息》。获湖南省自然科学二等奖、中国计算机学会优秀博士学位论文奖、中山大学青年教师授课大赛一等奖等。牵头组织撰写《2019-2020中国计算机科学技术发展报告》之量子计算章节“量子算法与复杂性研究进展概述”。
1. 量子计算:量子算法与复杂性、量子计算模型、量子机器学习、量子电路编译与优化等
2. 工程实践:量子计算软件开发
欢迎计算机、物理、数学等学科背景的学生与我们联系,研究团队与国内外知名高校、重点实验室、业界有广泛的学术合作, 鼓励对外交流,提供丰厚生活补贴。
1. guangzhong li(博士生), lvzhou li*, deterministic quantum search with adjustable parameters: implementations and applications, information and computation, volume 292, june 2023, 105042
2. yongzhen xu(博士生), shihao zhang*, lvzhou li*,,quantum algorithm for learning secret strings and its experimental demonstration,physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, volume 609, 1 january 2023, 128372.
3. yongzhen xu(博士生), delong zhang(本科生), lvzhou li*, robust quantum walk search without knowing the number of marked vertices,phys. rev. a 106, 052207,2022
4. zekun ye(硕士生), lvzhou li*, deterministic algorithms for the hidden subgroup problem, information and computation,volume 289, part a, november 2022, 104975
5. yongzhen xu(博士生), shihao zhang, lvzhou li,quantum algorithm for learning secret strings and its experimental demonstration,physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, available online 5 december 2022, 128372
6. xiaowei huang(博士生), lvzhou li*, query complexity of unitary operation discrimination. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, 2022, 127863.
7. zekun ye(硕士生), lvzhou li*, sample complexity of hidden subgroup problem,theoretical computer science, volume 922, 24, pages 108-121, june 2022
8. ze-kun ye(硕士生) and lv-zhou li*, characterization of exact one-query quantum algorithms for partial boolean functions, journal of computer science and technology doi: 10.1007/s11390-022-1361-0
9. jianhao he(博士生), feidiao yang, jialin zhang and lvzhou li*, quantum algorithm for online convex optimization, quantum science and technology, volume 922, 24, pages 108-121, june 2022
10. zekun ye(硕士生), yunqi huang(硕士生), lvzhou li*, yuyi wang,query complexity of generalized simon's problem, information and computation, 104790 (2021),
11. haozhen situ, zhimin he, yuyi wang, lvzhou li*, shenggen zheng,quantum generative adversarial network for generating discrete distribution,information sciences 538 (2020) 193–208 [download]
12. weijiang chen(硕士生), zekun ye(硕士生), and lvzhou li*,characterization of exact one-query quantum algorithms, physical review a, 2020. 2.20, 101: 02232
13. zekun ye (硕士生), lvzhou li* , haozhen situ , yuyi wang,quantum speedup of twin support vector machines,science china information sciences,2020,
14. 李绿周,邱道文,量子有限自动机:等价性和最小化(入选“十二五”国家重点图书出版规划项目), 浙江大学出版社,2019.6
15. lvzhou li, shenggen zheng, et al, capability of local operations and classical communication for distinguishing bipartite unitary operations, physcial review a, 96, 052327(2017).[download]
16. lvzhou li, sequential scheme for locally discriminating bipartite unitary operations without inverses, physcial review a , 96, 022303 (2017)[download].
17. lvzhou li, daowen qiu, lower bounds on the size of semi-quantum automata,theoretical computer science,doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2015.09.031, available online 21 october 2015, 2015.
18. lvzhou li, yuan feng,quantum markov chains: description of hybrid systems, decidability of equivalence, and model checking linear-time properties, information and computation, 244, 229–244, 2015.[download]
19. lvzhou li, yuan feng,on hybrid models of quantum finite automata, journal of computer and system sciences, volume 81, 1144–1158, 2015. [download]
20. lvzhou li, daowen qiu, on the state minimization of fuzzy automata, ieee transaction on fuzzy systems, 23, 434 - 443, march 2015. [download]
21. daowen qiu, lvzhou li, p. mateus, and a. sernadas, exponentially more concise quantum recognition of non-rmm regular languages, journal of computer and system sciences, 81,359-375,2015.[download]
22. lvzhou li, daowen qiu, xiangfu zou, lvjun li, lihua wu, paulo mateus,characterizations of one-way general quantum finite automata, theoretical computer science, 419, 73–91, 2012. [download]
23. lvzhou li, daowen qiu, a note on quantum sequential machines, theoretical computer science, 410(26), 2529-2535, 2009. [download]
24. lvzhou li, daowen qiu. determining the equivalence for one-way quantum finite automata, theoretical computer science, 403, 42-51, 2008. [download]
25. lvzhou li, daowen qiu, local entanglement is not necessary for perfect discrimination between unitary operations acting on two qudits by local operations and classical communication, physical review a, 77: 032337, 2008. [download]
26. lvzhou li, daowen qiu, determination of equivalence between quantum sequential machines, theoretical computer science, 358, 65,2006. [download]
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